Mika/Notes: Difference between revisions

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=Public Health=
=Public Health=

The page got too long, so I moved it to [http://wiki.mako.cc/Mika/Notes/Public_Health Public Health].
The section got too long, so I moved it to [http://wiki.mako.cc/Mika/Notes/Public_Health Public Health].


* I can use agar to grow Kaiware seeds etc.
* I can use agar to grow Kaiware seeds etc.
** Change brake pads before the grooves are gone: http://www.jimlangley.net/wrench/brake1.htm
** Cantilever brakes are what's on my red bike.

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=Computer Stuff=
=Computer Stuff=

* I am moving this stuff to a [http://wiki.mako.cc/Mika/Notes/Computer_Stuff new page]
Writing down things I've learned. Some miscellaneous stuff are:
* AJAX example: Checks if the username you entered is taken.
* Javascript example: Drag choices up and down.
* The tool to take a screen-videoshot (screencast) is to install recordmydesktop.
* i686 (or i386) are 32 bit. Intel 64 bit processor is usually marked by _64 (really?)
* Add a keyword (i.e. g) to a bookmark (i.e. http://www.google.com/search?q=%s) to make a shortcut in the address bar in Firfox.
* [http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-intro.html#Top R tutorial]
* Vector graphics vs Raster graphics
* To rid the high pitch noise on my X61s, add options processor max_cstate=2 to your /etc/modprobe.d/options file.
* In order to have certain things started every time I start my laptop, I can add things to the .Xsession file and start the session with Xsession when I log in. I've added things like gnome-power-management and awesome (awesome should be at the end).
* I installed chromium by following [http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-chromium-google-chrome-in-ubuntu-using-deb-package.html this instruction].
* Change network manager keyring by Applications > Accessories > Passwords and Encryption Keys.
* Firefox forgets history after 7 days even though it's set to remember for up to 90 days. I went about:config and changed browser.history_expire_days to 90 days.
* Converting 3gp to avi: I had to do sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libavcodec-extra-52 to get extra libraries. Then, a variation of ffmpeg -i input.3gp -f avi -vcodec xvid -acodec mp3 -ar 22050 output.avi
because it gave errors for xvid (change to libxvid) and mp3 (change to libmp3lame). Still not working but it at least makes the output file.
* Things to check out: gcommons, bak, [http://acabed.muc.ccc.de/acab/ acabed]
* In order to hide oversized background on a website, use in CSS: overflow:hidden;
* sh files --> sh file.sh
* imap folder can be merged by tagging all msgs in one folder and ;s (save) in the folder of my choice.
* tgz files: gzip -d filename
* baobao: graphical tool for space analysis
* ibus-daemon wasn't working. I couldn't start it by ctrl-space: 1) ps ax |grep ibus (this showed "defunct for ibus) 2) ps ax |grep X 3) restart X by killing
the process (That didn't fix it. See the next point.)
* upon Ubuntu Upgrade, the Japanese input stopped working ("no input window" in ibus). I uninstalled scim and it's all fixed now.
* I wanted to use a landscape canvas: Go to File -> Document Property - Choose Landscape.
* I wanted to use text: Press F8.
==Bug Report==
* I have trouble using Inkscape because it crashes when I try to use text. Here's how to get a backtrace:
gdb <path to inkscape executable>
(gdb) run [parameters (optional)]
# Carry out the actions to make the program crash
(gdb) bt
* expression and assignment
Again, I was doing [http://php5.seesaa.net/category/4118446-1.html this tutorial]. I got the update/delete working but not insert. Even when I typed in the values, it returned Missing Values.
I said name="id" in select3.php in the form part for insert3.php but I said _POST[ID] in insert3.php. I changed it to id and it works fine now.
I was doing [http://php5.seesaa.net/category/4118446-1.html this tutorial]. First of all, I didn't quite write down the codes right:
* incorrect update/delete versions linked from select.php
* <?= is good <? = is not good
* _GET['X'] is good but _GET["X"] is not good.
* Don't free memory in the php that is required_once
After fixing all these, I got:
"failed query"
Since I got the same message for both update and delete, I figured that the problem was elsewhere. I looked at select3 and after update3.php? I said id= instead ID= . I capitalized the id for bother update3 and delete3 and it works fine now.
To be sorted:
* http://mysqlweb.net/category/4025593-1.html
* http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/join.html
* http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/selecting-rows.html
* fetchone() doesn't take an argument: http://python-sybase.sourceforge.net/sybase/node10.html
* http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/recover-mysql-root-password.html
===Cheat Sheet===
* mysql_connect()
* mysql_select_db()
* mysql_query()
* mysql_num_rows()
* [http://php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-free-result.php mysql_free_result()]
* mysql_close()
* This is for outputting mysql queries into a text file: mysql > select * from table INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/test.txt';
I tried to write a php and connect to mysql in it but I got an error:
Fatal Error: undefined function mysql_connect()
[http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum88/5216.htm This page] suggested that mysql isn't enabled by dafault in php5. I installed php5-mysql and restarted apache2 (don't know if that was necessary) and now it works.
I restarted my computer because I couldn't start gimp unless I was root. Clint told me that I should sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart , which basically restarted my whole computer. Since then, I couldn't use mysql because I kept getting this error:
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
I followed [http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?11,42525,46765#msg-46765 this] and restarted mysql by:
/etc/init.d/mysql restart
But it fails. It seems like I touched my.cnf and didn't restart mysql, so when my computer restarted, it incorporated the changes I made in my.cnf and mysql stopped working. I reinstalled mysql-server through apt-get, restarted mysql and now it's fine.
I have a bunch of text files from USDA, which contain bits and pieces USDA ASCII databases. I want to put them into mysql.
1. I found schema.sql that Erik created, so I'm going to borrow it rather than creating my own.
mysql databasename < schema.sql -p
mysql> create database newdatabase;
ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'user'@'localhost'...
[http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/creating-database.html mysql]
1. Check grants for 'user'@'localhost' in mysql:
mysql> show grants for 'user'@'localhost';
2. Log into mysql as root (has all privileges) and change grants for a specific user:
mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to 'user'@'localhost';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
3. Log back into mysql as user (now has all privileges) and try creating a new database again.
To be sorted
* http://mysql-python.sourceforge.net/MySQLdb.html
** http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Python/MySQL-Connectivity-With-Python/2/
*TypeError: fetchone() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
** This really means 1 argument given because each method comes with an argument to begin with.
* To obtain input, I can use raw_input().
I wanted to create a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_markup wiki table] from CIA's Infant Mortality Rate [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2091rank.html ranking] data. I didn't want to change to the wiki table format, so I decided to write a python code.
I had to read a text file, make a list for each line, take out the words I need, and print in the wiki table format. I did the following first to change tabs to commas but that was probably not necessary:
    sed 's/\\t/,/g' Desktop/rawIMRdata.text > rawIMRdata2.text
When I forgot /g, it only outputted the last line.
Here's the python code:
    imr_data = open("rawIMRdata6.text")
    #f = file("imr_data","r")
    print '''{| class="wikitable" border="1" \n|- \n!  Ranking 1 \n!  Country 2 \n!  IMR \n'''
    for line in imr_data.readlines():
        # To make a list for each line from text file:
        a = line.split(',')
        #print a and strip the space after each word
        one = a[0].strip()
        two = a[1].strip()
        three = a[3].strip()
        combined = '|-\n|' + one + '\n|' + two + '\n|' + three 
        print combined
    print r'''|}'''
*Tried setting up Django on my computer by following this [http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/COLUMN/20081031/318265/?ST=develop&P=4 tutorial]
It worked mostly ok but I couldn't go further than the second to the last coding box on page 4. I kept getting long error messages.
[http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/intro/tutorial02/ Django tutorial about django.contrib.admin]
1. Check if I typed in the correct codes.
2. Check if the output are the same everwhere:
Although the codes were correct, they didn't create all the necessary things, so it couldn't find the index.html.
* I went to setting.py to specify:
** the absolute path for Template_Dir. Don't forget the , after '/path/' .
** two additional Installed_Apps: myprj_myapp (where I save my project) and django.contrib.admin . Run python manage.py syncdb afterwards.
This created myapp_post and django_admin_log in mysql database.
[http://java-script.seesaa.net/category/2493027-1.html JS Tutorial]
I couldn't put the content and the sidebar side by side.
CSS: added floar:left to content.
I didn't know how to align text on both sides in html or css.
HTML: p style="text-align:justify
CSS: p.special {text-align:justify;}
I didn't know what <td> meant.
[http://www.w3schools.com/TAGS/tag_td.asp This website] says: An HTML table has two kinds of cells:
    * Header cells - contains header information (created with the th element)
    * Standard cells - contains data (created with the td element)
I didn't know what <form name="form1"> meant.
"A form is an area that can contain form elements.
Form elements are elements that allow the user to enter information (like text fields, textarea fields, drop-down menus, radio buttons, checkboxes, etc.) in a form."
[http://www.tohoho-web.com/js/index.htm とほほのjavascript]
* Websites of interest:
** http://www.madboa.com/geek/gpg-quickstart/
** http://ekaia.org/blog/2009/05/10/creating-new-gpgkey/
** https://www.debian-administration.org/users/dkg/weblog/48
1. Make a gpg key.
2. Register on pool.sks-keyservers.net.
==Command line==
* arch: get architecture info
* uname -a: print system info
* xev: finds information on the pressed keys
* xmodmap -e "keycode ###=Multi_key": Enter the key number in ### to set the compose key.
* import -windows root screenshot.png: Takes a screenshot of the entire screen instead of a window.
* sudo acpi -V: tells me the temperature of my computer.
* cat /etc/issue: gives the current version of Ubuntu
* rsync -rP: synches data with the options recursive and partial.
* ssh-keygen -p: lets me change the ssh password.
* df -h sizes for dish space
* du -h sizes for all folders

Revision as of 19:10, 7 February 2011

This is where I keep notes on things that I will probably need to read again.


  • Banach-Tarski paradox.

Public Health

The section got too long, so I moved it to Public Health.


  • I can use agar to grow Kaiware seeds etc.



  • Chopin Piano Concerto #1
  • Ravel Piano Concerto in G major


  • Balakirev / Glinka "The Lark"
  • Liszt "Gnomenreigen"
  • Chopin 3rd Sonata
  • Beethoven Sonata 31
  • ラヴェル/鏡より「道化師の朝の歌」


I liked these movies:

  • Trouble the water
  • Cube
  • MST3K Pumaman
  • Tokyo!
  • Annabel Chong
  • I love me
  • ビルマVJ 消された革命

I want to watch these movies:

  • Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives


  • 1Q84
  • AIDS and Accusation (Paul Farmer)
  • 農協との30年戦争 岡本重明
  • Saturday is for Furnerals (Max Essex)
  • クォンタム・ファミリーズ


  • Xkeken

Computer Stuff