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TOKYO, Dec 9 (Reuters) - Japan's core machinery orders rebounded sharply from the previous month's drop in October, the government said on Wednesday, in a welcome sign for an economy recovery emerging from a deep coronavirus slump.

Facebook removed these accounts for violating its rules against misleading others about their identity and purpose on behalf of a foreign or government entity.  The social network said it pulled down three separate networks of Russian-linked accounts that targeted various countries worldwide but had a "very limited following." Some of these accounts tried to pose as news outlets, dupe freelance journalists into writing articles and attempted to drive users to other websites.

Eligibility criteria vary from state to state, but the general rule is that you should apply if you've lost your job or been furloughed through no fault of your own. This would include a job lost directly or indirectly to the current pandemic.  How can I find out if I qualified for unemployment insurance?

The business groups together commercial activity of gas stations, car-sharing, convenience stores and the sale of gas and electricity to individual customers, as well as the sale of products to larger customers.

If you have a business website there is a free tool you can find online to analyze its mobile-friendliness. Google has recently started updating the indexing process to give priority to mobile devices over desktop computers. The algorithms are numerous and they are kept secret so that fairness is maintained in rankings. Google is the largest search engine, used by most online shoppers so it is the starting point for SEO efforts.

In September, Facebook pulled down another network of fake accounts that duped some freelance journalists into writing for a site called PeaceData that described itself as a "global news organization." PeaceData says on its website that it's no longer operating.  Facebook said it hasn't any seen any overlap of coordination between these three networks. This isn't the first time Facebook has announced takedown of Russian-linked fake accounts.

2) Monitor all expenses
Document every expense made for your business, knowing how much you spent and on what will help you understand what is important and what exactly you have been spending money on.

The fake accounts mostly focused primarily on Syria and Ukraine. Facebook removed 214 Facebook users, 35 Pages, 18 Groups and 34 Instagram accounts in that network. The largest network of Russian-linked accounts that Facebook announced on Thursday it took down had ties to the Russian military and military intelligence services. There was a small amount of activity that focused on the UK and the US.  They also targeted Turkey, Japan, Armenia, Georgia, Belarus, and Moldova.

"As is common with new vaccines the MHRA (regulator) have advised on a precautionary basis that people with a significant history of allergic reactions do not receive this vaccination, after two people with a history of significant allergic reactions responded adversely yesterday," Powis said.

TOKYO, Dec 11 (Reuters) - Japan's big manufacturers became less gloomy in the December quarter compared with the previous three months as a recovery in exports boosted business confidence in the world's third largest economy, a Reuters poll showed on Friday.

This means that it was almost certainly random that all the people who developed the condition happened to be in the vaccine group, and the same number of people would likely have got it in any group that size, regardless of a vaccine.

With growing migration from rural areas, Yangon's population is forecast by the United Nations to nearly double to more than 11 million by 2040, placing an enormous strain on resources including housing.

REVEALED: Trump will host up to two Christmas parties a DAY... Pelosi, Mnuchin to speak Tuesday on COVID-19 relief Donald Trump has raised $170 million since Election Day by... 'Who knew there's a whole bunch of stuff you don't actually...

Russian interference in US elections has been a top concern after a Russian troll farm known as the Internet Research Agency used Facebook to post content to sow discord among Americans during the 2016 US presidential election. Some of the recent Russian-linked fake accounts that Facebook took down shared a small amount of content about the US, but it didn't appear to be the primary focus of these networks.

Moderna plans to ship 20 million doses in 2020 and another 500 million to 1 billion in 2021, if authorized. With over 330 million people in the US alone, not everyone will be able to get a vaccine at once -- the first doses to reach the market will likely go to employees and residents of nursing homes as well as front-line health care personnel, followed by essential workers, people with underlying medical conditions and older adults. 

A coronavirus-led plunge in demand for crude and related products had forced companies to shut-in production this year.
However, with fuel demand having rebounded and prices hovering at about $50 a barrel, producers have started restoring their shut-in drilling.

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