User talk:Benjamin Mako Hill

From WikiDotMako
Revision as of 11:43, 9 June 2012 by (talk) (Easton)
Hi! I'm Benjamin Mako Hill, your gracious host and the administrator of this wiki. You can press the + tab in the top left hand corner or just press Edit to leave me a message. Return to this wiki later and look for a new messages notice or check your own talk page for my response!

Suggestion from an offline user (via BackWashBot)

User:Benjamin Mako Hill made the following comment using an offline wikireader:

This is the first test text from If you read this it means that we've posted it successfully!

—via BackWashBot 11:02, 8 April 2011 (EDT)

confesso que estava battsnae animado em participar do leile3o do ticies, mas ao ler o Termo de uso, deu uma desanimada.A parte que mais me preocupa e9 sobre o peredodo de licenciamento ser de 2 anos, podendo ser renovada. Muito subjetivo como sere1 renovado? O dono tere1 que pagar algo pela renovae7e3o? Me preocupa o dono de uma cidade, trabalhar 2 anos para fortalecer a marca Ticies e depois desse prazo ne3o ser renovado o licenciamento, ou o Ticies crescer ao ponto de acreditar que os donos ne3o se3o mais uteis, praticamente donos ne3o tem garantia alguma do valor e tempo investido na ideia.


are these bots? or some psychofan of yours? ;) Dariusz 08:38, 29 October 2011 (EDT)

These is a bot that I wrote which is built to allow people to contribute to Wikipedia from offline wikireaders. Ask me about this at the next cooperation meeting. It's actually rather cool! Benjamin Mako Hill 08:50, 29 October 2011 (EDT)
Interesting, I will! Dariusz 10:49, 29 October 2011 (EDT)