Academic/Prospective graduate students

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This is a page for people are interested in the University of Washington Department of Communication's and PhD program and want to talk to me about it.

UW's Department of Communication has an absolutely wonderful PhD program. When I was considering graduate school, I very nearly went here myself. The good news for me is that — because there is a unwritten rule that universities should not hire their own students — I now to get teach here.

If you have not already, you should check out the following information about applying to the UW Communication program:

Please keep in mind, I do not serve on the graduate admissions committee. In my department, this means that the only impact I will have in the graduate admissions process is giving feedback on students who the admissions committee decides are very likely to work with me.

My department is wide and interdisciplinary and accepts a wide variety of students with interests in doing work that spans the humanities and social sciences. Normally, I will only weigh in on students with strong programming, quantitative, and mathematical skills and whose proposed research agenda involves quantitative data science on computer mediated communication and online communities.

If you're interested in studying collective action from other perspectives and with other methods: That's great! I very well may work with you if you come UW! I am not, however, likely going to be able affect your application to the department one way or another.


If you have questions about the department or the admissions process you should check the material on the admission website, look carefully through FAQ, and contact the admissions staff who will be more helpful and more responsive than I am.

If you have have questions about my research or about working with me, you can email me directly at If I don't know you, you should introduce yourself by describing your interests, qualifications and the reason you want to work together.

Please keep in mind that I can often be very busy and that responding to prospective students can often fall a little lower in my priority queue so it might take me some time to respond. If it's been more than a couple weeks, feel free to ping me again.

Meetings (prospective UW graduate students)

Many university faculty have blanket rules against meeting with prospective doctoral students. There are hundreds of students applying to at top department like UW Comm and many students try to contact as many faculty members as they can. It is simple not possible for the faculty to meet with every interested student.

More importantly, meeting with faculty not on the admission committee simply does not help an applicat's chances. If you make it past the first round at the committee level, and if you are doing work that looks extremely similar to my research (i.e., data-driven social science) I might then be asked to look at your application and offer my opinion.

Many faculty, including myself sometimes, can find emails from prospective graduate students a little annoying. In this sense, asking could hurt. Of course, this is usually unlikely for the reasons that it's unlikely to help: Unless faculty are on the on the admission committee, they will likely have no impact on decisions on any students except ones who are very likely going to be their direct advisees.

That said, I personally met with both my masters and PhD advisors before I was admitted to their programs. As a result, I don't yet have a rule to not meet with prospective PhDs. But I do have a request:

Please only ask for a meeting if you really are very likely to work with me and if others reading your application will realize this. This means that any of following things should be true:
  • You are interested in doing quantitative data science on online communities

and plan to use programming, statistics, and mathematics as a core part of your research program.

In either case, you should be able demonstrate a background and experience that suggests you have the skills to pull off the above.
If you don't fulfill these criteria, this doesn't mean I don't want to work with you. It just means I've very likely not going to be able to impact your application to the department.

Of course, if one of my colleagues at UW has referred you to talk to me, that's also good enough because it means that that they might ask for my opinion when they do make decicions later.

Meetings (admitted UW graduate students)

If you have been admitted to the UW Communication Departmetn, I'd love to talk with you!

If you don't fulfill the criteria I listed above, that means I very likely did not participate in the review of your application. However, it does not mean I will not work with you at some point in the future, teach classes that you might take, or help you try to develop and frame your research as a graduate student at UW.

And of course, If you've been admitted to other good programs, I would also love to try to convince to come to UW. I love UW and I love Seattle and I love to tell you why.