Londing Mika

From WikiDotMako

This is a page to systematize contacts and useful resources for Mika (or any other Accetariumer) while she stay and has a leg in London.

In London

Contacts in London

Javier Ruiz Old friend of Mayo. Spanishing living in London for many years. Involve in the invention of Indymedia, now working on Free Culture policy. Married to a Japanish women with a small child. Love bikes. javier(at)spc.org +447877 911 412 004479 52667 907

Anastasia Kavada Professor in Westmister on ICTs and social movements. Greak. Friend for many years of Mayo and very nice. A.Kavada(at)westminster.ac.uk +44 7789 008037

Emma Activist and feminist involve in many things and very funny. Mayo's. esd(at)riseup.net

In Europe



Amsterdam: albi@eyfa.org Old friend and hacker.

Paris: Primavera de Filippi (pdefilippi(at)gmail.com) and Melanie Dulong de Rosnay (melanieddr(at)gmail.com) (old Berkman fellow) Jérémie ZIMMERMANN, jz(at)laquadrature.net (He was at home once)

Houses & Contacts in Spain

  • Barcelona: Calle del Carme 39, Barcelona 08001
  • Valencia: Calle Luis Santangel 13 puerta 7, Valencia
  • Oliva: Pasaje Ciscar 1 Oliva (Valencia) o Virgen del Mar 47 Oliva Playa (Valencia)
  • Madrid: Calle Estudios, Madrid (House of Juan, Mayo's cousing)

Marco phone: 0034-682706239 marco.berlinguer(at)gmail.com

Geno Morell (mama Mayo): 0034-636347512 genomorellgregori(at)yahoo.es

Mayo spanish phone: 0034-64887 7748

Travelling: Flies & more

Cheap flies companyies:

  • Ryanair.com (To fly to Barcelona you can also go to Girona)
  • Easyjet.com
  • Vueling (for Spain)
  • Jet2.com

By bus: Eurobus

To found cheap flies to USA: Expedi.com, Atrapalo.com edreams.com