Beowulf Cluster (Seattle)

From WikiDotMako

Beowulf Cluster is a weekly Stammtisch—an informal social gathering of people—in Seattle for people interested technology, activism, free software and free culture as well as for people interested in hanging out with people interested in those things.

We meet every Sunday at 21:00 (or there abouts) at the Red Door in Fremont. Every week, somebody sends a reminder to the Least Squares community list. It often doesn't come until late but we really do meet every Sunday! If you're interested in coming to the cluster (or to other events) you might want to sign up the list. If you're planning on going, you should send a reminder yourself!

Anyone is welcome to join us. You can also contact Mako or Mika if you want to coordinate. They promise to be there unless they're out of town.

The meeting is inspired by the Boston area Grendel's Den on Sundays. You can read about long and storied history of that meetup if you care. We are actually the second Grendel's Den on Sundays spinoff and the idea for our meetup, and our name, came to us via San Francisco.

Place Suggestions

We've been meeting at the Red Door in Fremont. If you want to suggest a place we're looking for places with the following characteristics:

  • Open and serving food until midnight or so.
  • Plenty of space and flexible about seating so we can grow from 5 to 20 people and can rearrange tables in the process without upsetting anybody.
  • Willing to put up with a bunch of nerds who come consistently and tip well.