Travel plans/Winter 2008-2009

From WikiDotMako
Revision as of 23:14, 7 January 2009 by (talk) (fixed User)

This is the travel plan for December and January for Benjamin Mako Hill and Mika Matsuzaki. If you'd like to meet up with either of us at any point along the trip, please get in contact with either Mako or Mika.

Here is the current breakdown of the trip (we'll fill this out as we get more information.

Location Arrival Departure Notes
Berlin 2008-12-18 2008-12-31 Attending CCC
Stuttgart 2008-12-31 2009-01-03 Stay at Schloss Solitude
Ljubliana 2009-01-03 2009-01-04 Quick dinner and walk through the town before heading off to Zagreb for the night
Belgrade 2009-01-04 2009-01-08
Zagreb 2009-01-08 2009-01-10 Revealing Errors talk on the 10th at 14:00 at Mama
London 2009-01-10 2009-01-13
Cambridge 2009-01-13 2009-01-15

Mika is keeping a running log in a couple of forms:


We'll be staying in Alexanderplatz. We have no plans other than visit the Chaos Communication Congress.


In Stuttgart, our current plan is to stay in Akademie Schloss Solitude but may make other trips if opportunities present themselves.

Current plan is to do New Years Eve either in Stuttgart or close by.

Items Mika would like in her town

  • Doner Falafel (availabile until the sun rises)
  • Halumi (available until the sun rises)
  • Mushroom Burek (available until the sun rises)
  • Truffle oil pasta
  • Rental bikes on racks