
From WikiDotMako
Revision as of 19:55, 16 January 2017 by Hweyl (talk | contribs) (added petscan info)

Let's use Wikidata to answer questions about NFL players!


1. Answer the question "What are the DOB and DOD dates for all NFL players?"


I tried to see if the data to answer this question might already be in Wikidata.

<source lang =sparql>

SELECT ?personLabel ?positionLabel ?DOB ?DOD


 ?person wdt:P106 wd:Q19204627.
 ?person wdt:P413 ?position.
  ?person wdt:P569 ?DOB .
 ?person wdt:P570 ?DOD .
 SERVICE wikibase:label {

bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .




It looks like we are missing the occupation data for many people. This data isn't in Wikidata yet, but it is in English Wikipedia.

We can use the PetScan tool to get pages that are in certain categories. There is a manual for the tool that explains how to use it.