ELS/Thanksgiving 2014

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Revision as of 05:43, 22 November 2014 by (talk)

Extraordinary Least Squares will be hosting a thanksgiving feast at the Hill Family Compound on Mercer Island on Thanksgiving Day. The address:

6805 SE 32nd Street
Mercer Island, WA

Even the least square members, affiliates, and auxiliary appendages are welcome along with their children, families, and extended family. Please come! The house is very large and we have room for everbody.

There will be a few cars headed over from various areas of Seattle. If you want to come and need a ride, send an email to community@lists.leastsquar.es and somebody can probably help!

Make it Veg*n?

The dinner will not be vegetarian (rumor is that there will be a turkey) but bear in mind that many of the people attending will be. If you can, try to make your dishes vegetarian or vegan so anybody attending can eat them.


The vague plan is for folks to start arriving around early afternoon (say, after 1pm) and to plan to try to eat around 4pm for one of epic late-lunch/early dinner meals. We should be done by 7-8pm. There will be drinking and essential snacking interspersed throughout the day so feel free to arrive earlier!

The Hill Family compound includes two microwaves, four burners, and one oven. Coordinate with Mako or others if the plan is to cook food there. Otherwise, plan to arrive by 3:30 with your food and we can heat it up before eating.

Dishes and other stuff you'll be bringing

If everybody who comes brings enough food for themselves, we should enough food for everybody. You can add items that you want to bring/make and add your names by the items in the lists below:


  • tofurducken (if we can't find mock duck, maybe just tofucken) (Mika)
  • home-made seitan roast Mako
  • groovy gravy Mako
  • buttercorn rolls (Mako or Winnie?)
  • cranberry sauce (A3)
  • wild rice salad (A3)
  • turkey? (Hills)
  • Gluten-free Mac-n-cheese (southern style) Liz & Tommy


  • 1 handle of Wild Turkey (because it's not Thanksgiving without Turkey)


  • seasonal muffins: apple, pumpkin spice, and chocolate butternut squash (A3)
  • vegan (cashew-based) raspberry "cheesecake" (A3)

Veggies and Fruits:

  • Nothing, really?

Who's Coming

Add your name to the list below if you are planning on coming:

  1. Mako
  2. Mika
  3. Carter Hill
  4. Winnie Hill
  5. Bunker Hill (actually Mako's grandfather's name)
  6. Dilinger
  7. Anna
  8. Atom
  9. Robbi (w/ A3)
  10. Phil (w/ A3)
  11. Alemitu Hill
  12. Liz Guy
  13. Tommy Guy

Previous Thanksgivings (food for thought)

Here are some ideas for vegetarian Thanksgiving dish ideas.