Talk:Bike tour/Sep 2020

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Revision as of 08:07, 18 September 2020 by Mika (talk | contribs) (first draft)
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Plan B

Sat: Home -> near Brown Creek Campground (involves ferry/"primitive" camping/all the climbing at the end) (75 miles/2500 ft)

Sun: Brown Creek Campground -> Coho Campground (50 miles/2200ft): an option to stay in a yurt at the campground. Another option is to go all the way to Willaby Campground (~83 miles/3300ft).

Mon: Coho Campground -> South Beach Campground (68 miles/1700ft): South Beach and Kalaloch Campground are both on the water but they are popular. SB is walk-ins only and Kalaloch takes reservations but all are filled? Not clear from the website what happens after the peak season (Sep 16) but nothing is reservable until next year. Call Kalaloch to see if it's now all walk-ins, the campground is closed for the season, or all sites are taken.

If nothing is available at South Beach or Kalaloch when we get there, we'd need to bike 22 more miles to Cottonwood Campground. Around there, there are a few campsites and they should be FCFS but check. These sites are not on the water.

The next beach campsite is Mora Campground, which is also reservable but maybe the peak season is over and the campground is closed?

Tue: South Beach or Cottonwood or Mora to Sol Doc Resort/Campground (70 miles/2800ft; all climbing at the end): Sol Duc Campground is available for reservation here. MM need wifi on Wed AM, so they will probably stay at the resort.

Wed: Sol Duc to Heart O' Hill Campground (47 miles/2800ft) OR Dungeness Campground(65 miles/1700ft) TODO: check availability/water etc.

Thu: (AM: bike up to Hurricane Ridge?) Heart O' Hill to Dungeness Campground? M needs wifi on Friday AM, so she may stay at an airbnb or motel nearby.

Fri: (M has a meeting from 12-2PM (and ideally 10:30-11:30AM also).) Dungeness to Leland Lake?