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Personally I am overwhelmed by this, fnlaily there has been a consolidated effort to educate the judging parties, who in numerous cases have stated they are NOT qualified to make judgements which require the level of technical expertise and knowledge needed to effectively pass judgement in these cases..It also helps the judging parties to understand the power their decisions wield and the overall effect of their decisions, on the rights of the people.Furthermore, is sets to highlight what is the biggest issue and the biggest farce of these litigations. The fact that justice (up until now) has only been for the wealthy. If you do not have the funds to pay for an adequate legal defence then you have no right to justice, as the cost of litigating for the average person far out weighs the cost of settling, whether they are guilty or not.Award of attorney's fees for the prevailing party should be a matter of guarantee, not an optional decision afforded to the judging parties, otherwise as higlighted in the brief, the litigation process will be abused by more financially powerful parties in order to generate a false revenue which amounts to nothing less than Monies by Menace and Racketeering.I am immensly proud of all the parties who have been involved in the production of this brief and wish I had the same strength, support and resolve in my own corner.The only sad part of all this, is the fact that it has taken 3 years for this sort of consolidated effort to arise and as a result (as indicated in the brief) thousands of potentially innocent people have become the dolphins caught in the drift net.I only hope and pray that the judge is not as corrupt as others appear to have been in the past.