Honkfest (2012)

From WikiDotMako
Revision as of 17:33, 6 October 2012 by (talk) (duration)


WHAT: An unparty

The HONK! Festival is a revolutionary street spectacle of never-before-seen proportions that will converge for the seventh time in Davis Square, Somerville, MA, from Friday, October 5 through Monday, October 8, 2012! http://honkfest.org/

The plan: Saturday October 6th "swarming" together at HONK Festival at Davis Square. With collective dinner & drinks from 19:30pm at Acetarium.

Babies are welcome and they will have their own room.

Bring your instruments and funniest outfit. Come prepare to shake your body!

Drinks & snacks are welcome.

GUESS WHAT???!!!! HANNA (AKA Stargirl, Bubbles, etc.) WILL BE THERE!!!!!


Acetarium http://www.acetarium.com/

265 Elm Street, second floor, Somerville

Doorbell does not work so call to 8576548231 (Mayo) or 206-409-7191 (Mako)

2 minuts from Davis Square T station


  • Mayo
  • Mako
  • HANNA (Yes, really!!!)
  • Joseph & Nora - 85% probable for short stop-by
  • ...