
From WikiDotMako


Carpet beetle trap summary

Trap ID Location Bug count
1 Under couch in living room 1
2 AP room 1
5 AP door 0

Sightings and settings

  • Jan 3 2021: AP finds larva on sweater; team IDs it as carpet beetle.
  • Jan 8 2021: First traps set.
  • Early March: AP spots multiple beetles in bedroom traps. Yuck
  • March 6: LLW spots live beetle on coat downstairs
  • March 7: AP spots beetles + larvae near yarn bin; discards most of yarn bin+contents, airtight+mothballs select yarns. Traps are redistributed to other rooms
  • March 8: AP finds one new beetle in Trap 2
  • March 11: AP spotted 2 live beetles in bedroom (not in traps); killed them
  • March 13: new beetle in trap 2
  • March 14: new beetle in trap 2
  • March 15: AP did deep clean under bed; spotted a few larvae both dead and alive, killed the live ones. Also saw a couple live adult beetles in common area at top of stairs. Killed. Moved Trap 1 to couch downstairs.
  • March 16: Remember how I tried to salvage a few skeins of yarn & in-progress knitting projects by saving them in airtight Ziploc bags with moth poison? Larvae. In the yarn. In the bags. So that's going out with the trash tonight.
  • March 18: New beetle in trap 2