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Revision as of 21:28, 30 June 2010 by (talk)
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* speed: single speed
* snakes on a plane: snakes on a bike
* grapes of wrath: bikes of wrath
* e tu mama tambien: e tu bike tambien
* casablanca: bika-a-blanca
* harold and kumar go to white castle: harold and kumar go to white castle on their bikes
* dude where's my car: dude where's my bike
* the princess bride: the princess bike
* father of the bride: father of the bike
* taxi driver: taxi rider
* night of the living dead: night of the living bike
* raiders of the lost ark: raiders of the lost bike
* no country for old men: no country for old bikes
* apocolypse now: apocolypse bike
* eternal sunshine of the spotless mind: eternal sunshine of the spotless bike
* run lola run: bike lola bike
* full metal jacket: full metal bike
* once upon a time in mexico: once upon a time on a bike
* there will be blood: there will be bikes
* the manchurian candidate: the manchurian bike
* the lion king: the lion bike
* inglorious bastards: inglorious bike
* the bourne identity: the bike identity
* batman returns: batman returns on a bike
* the bicycle thief: the bicycle bicycle
* a streetcar named desire: a bicycle named desire
* pirates of the caribeen: bicyclists of the caribeen
* crouching tiger hidden dragon: crouching tiger hidden bike
* wet hot american summer: wet hot american bike
* shaolin soccer: shaolin bike
* big trouble little china: big trouble little bike
* koyanasquattski: koyanasbikeski
* all the president's men: all the president's bikes
* new moon: new bike
* battleship potempkin: battlebike potempkin
* boys don't cry: boys don't bike
* forest gump: forest bike
* triumph of the will: triumph of the bike
* the count of monte cristo: the bike of monte cristo
* the day the world stood still: the day the bikes stood still
* american pie: american bike
* the third man: the third bike
* the iceman cometh: the bikeman cometh
* a knight's tale: a bike's tale
* driving ms. daisy: biking ms. daisy
* farewell my concubine: farewell my bike
* an american warewolf in paris: an american bike in paris
* for whom the bell tolls: for whom the bike tolls
* the french connection: the bike connection
* 8 1/2: 8 1/2 bikes
* grizzly man: grizzly bike
* gentlemen prefer blondes: gentlemen prefer bikes
* some like it hot: some like it on a bike
* the good the bad and the ugly: the good the bad and the bike
* it's a wonderful life: it's a wonderful bike
* i [heart] huckabee: i [heart] bikes
* godzilla: bikezilla
* the godfather: the bikefather
* a hard day's night: a hard day's bike
* a yellow submarine: a yellow bike
* the sword in the stone: the bike in the stone
* how green was my valley: how green was my bike
* how to lose a man in 10 days: how to lose a bike in 10 days
* hannah and her sister: hannah and her bikes
* waking life: waking bike
* a scaner darkly: a bike darkly
* bladerunner: bikerunner
* everything you wanted to know about sex (but were afraid to ask): everything you wanted to know about bikes (but were afraid to ask):
* the seven samaurai: the seven cyclists
* blue velvet: bike velvet
* the man with the golden arm: the man with the golden bike
* of mice and men: of mice and bikes
* gross point blanc: gross point bike
* the postman always rings twice: the postman always brings bikes
* a beautiful mind: a beautiful bike
* raging bull: raging bike
* rebel without a cause: rebel without a bike
* christine: christine
* the remains of the day: the remains of the bike
* lord of the flies: lord of the bikes
* dirty dancing: dirty biking
* secrets and lies: secrets and bikes
* sex, lies, and videotape: sex, bikes, and videotape
* the fiddler on the roof: the biker on the roof
* singing in the rain: biking in the rain
* snow white and the seven dwarves: snow white and the seven bikes
* star trek ii the wrath of kahn: star trek ii the wrath of bikes
* back to the future: bike to the future
* they shoot horses don't they: they shoot bikes don't they
* paris je t'aime: paris je bike
* throne of blood: bike of blood
* traffic: traffic
* dr strangelove or how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb: dr strangelove or how i learned to stop worrying and love the bike
* road trip: bike trip
* the year of living dangerously: the year of biking dangerously
* the x-files: the bike-files
* west-side story: bike-side story
* psycho: bike-o
* donnie dark-o: donnie bike-o
* the silence of the lambs: the silence of the bikes
* dancing with wolves: biking with wolves
* dancing in the dark: biking in the dark
* all dogs go to heaven: all bikes go to heaven
* trainspotting: bikespotting
* thank you for smoking: thank you for biking