Delicious replacements

From WikiDotMako

This page lists delicious replacements and thoughts and feedback about them.

Semantic Scuttle

Classic tags on the left, structured tags on the right SemanticScuttle is a social bookmarking tool (based on Scuttle) experimenting new features as hierarchical tags, collaborative descriptions or OpenID authentification.


Student run project from the University of Minnesota: We want you to get your bookmarks from any computer, anywhere, whether you're at home, work, a library, or at school. We want to create a place where people can share their bookmarks with friends, family, and co-worker. We want to create a fun, flexible, and fast alternative to standard browser bookmarking.


SiteBar is a solution for people who use multiple browsers or computers and want to have their bookmarks available from anywhere without need to synchronize them or take them along.