Mika/Notes/Computer Stuff/Debian Installation/X1 4th

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I got X1 4th generation. I mostly used this person's instruction (unetbootin didn't work for me, so I used dd).

Step 0: Find an USB stick

The DVD image below was >3.8G. 4G sticks are not big enough.

Step 1: Get image

On the older laptop:

wget http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/weekly-builds/amd64/iso-dvd/debian-testing-amd64-DVD-1.iso

Step 2: Prepare BIOS

On the newer laptop, mostly follow this instruction. Did all of them. Priority USB stuff first, excluded PCI, Windows at the end.

Step 3: Prepare the install USB

dd if=debian-testing-amd64-DVD-1.iso of=(where the usb is; dmesg) bs=1M

This step takes a while.

Then, do:

wget http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/non-free/f/firmware-nonfree/firmware-iwlwifi_20160824-1_all.deb mkdir /path/to/your/usbkey/firmware cp firmware-iwlwifi_20160824-1_all.deb /path/to/your/usbkey/firmware/