September Eleventh Limericks

From WikiDotMako

About This Page

Limericks have a reputation as a silly and humorous form but there's no reason that this should be the case. This collection is an effort to take back the form for serious subjects and prove that limericks can be used for a serious subject.

This page collects serious limericks about a serious subject: the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center and the effects and fallout from the attacks that we're still feeling today.

Please go ahead and write and add a serious limerick about September 11th to this page. If you think of a non-serious limerick that you feel the need to share, find one on that page that you don't feel is serious, or find one one this page that does not adhere to the limerick form, please edit it to solve the issues or remove it from this page and move it to September Eleventh Limericks/Rejects.

These limericks are contributed, mostly anonymously. The hosts of the wiki cannot take credit for the content on this page.

Action rueqires knowledge, and now I can act!