Cream of Onion

From WikiDotMako


  • Most of one stick of butter
  • Four medium onions
  • Few tablespoons flour (equal to the amount of butter + 2 tablespoons)
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Good smoked paprika
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Head of garlic
  • Dried chili flakes
  • Most of a quart of whole milk


1. Clean and cut onions into fairly large pieces, separate the layers.

2. Peel and smash garlic

3. In deep skillet, melt butter, add olive oil, and then stir in flour.

4. Keep stirring on medium heat until rue becomes nice and brown.

5. Add garlic and onions, bring heat up a bit, keep stirring until onions are translucent and lightly golden.

6. Add milk

7. As milk starts getting warm, add paprika, chili flakes, pepper. Salt to taste, stirring everything well.

8. When milk is steaming nicely, bring down to simmer, stirring

9. When thick, remove heat, serve, garnish as you see fit.