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Sample Gear Lists

Shakedown Notes

Krystle: Timberline Trail

  • Tent: Not a huge fan. Did poorly in the wind (flapping around a LOT, wind moving right through the tent). Spaciousness is nice but the big footprint is a tradeoff (finding a good tent pad, carrying a bigger groundcloth). Trade for or buy smaller tent, save the weight.
    • Lost a tent stake. Always carry an extra or two.
    • Cowboy camping is fun, do this when possible.
  • Vivobarefoot Breatho Trail shoes make good crossing and alternate shoes. Bad for walking through sand/ash (especially when hot). Socks got full of sand, soles got painfully hot.
  • Get better socks, buy several pairs of the same for easy interchangeability.
  • Altras were great. Only got a hot spot on the ball of my right foot when socks were damp and I was going uphill. Did not develop into a blister - might be able to toughen with training. Treat this pre-emptively with BodyGlide.
  • Dirty Girl gaiters were great. Kept so much debris out of my shoes.
  • Uphill technique: Short steps, keeping ankles loose (think of feet hanging loosely on hinges) helped a lot with uphill stamina.
  • Handerchief/microtowel was super handy. Kept my hair out of my face, kept sun off my hair, wiped sweat off my face, dried my feet after a stream crossing, good for cleaning my legs and my dishes, etc.
  • 2 lbs of food per day was sufficient. Could probably bring it down to 1.5 with good calorie management.
    • sour patch watermelons are amazing, surprisingly
    • crystal light or other sweet mixes for water are great, especially if mixing with liquor (maybe lemonade?)
    • bring whiskey
    • bring dark chocolate
    • freeze dried ice cream sandwiches were an incredible (non melting) treat
    • mountain house lasagna and beef stroganoff mountain houses were decent
    • I wish I'd brought more crackers and cheese
      • oregono ritz crackers tasted amazing
  • Tea tree oil & mint toothpicks - wonderful luxury item. Freshens breath, substitute for floss, biodegradable
  • 2 liters of water in the heat was just enough with the intense heat and frequent water sources. Stick with 3 just in case?
  • Not sold on the Sawyer mini. Slower than the regular Sawyer. Benefit of weight saved doesn't seem huge.
  • Definitely need lighter, more compact sleeping pad & bag.
  • Bring head net. Bugs really do love my blood. DEET was very handy but would rather avoid toxicity if possible.
  • Need better GPS, phone dies too quickly.
  • Trekking poles are a must for stream crossings.
  • Stuffing makes good appetizer and filler for when you put too much water in your hot food.
  • I need more sunblock than I think I do, especially the backs of my shoulders.
  • Hiking in shorts is great. One pair in particular was perfect. Only drawback is more scraping in rocks.
  • Swimming in lakes is, indeed, very refreshing and uplifting.