Bainbridge Ride 2015

From WikiDotMako

This page is for planning a bike-camping trip with friends with kids. It's short and is basically a personal copy of FamilyRide!

Basic info

When: (Tentative) 9/19/2015 (Saturday) to 9/20/2015 (Sunday).

  • If it looks like it's going rain, we'll postpone the trip. We'll decide on 9/17?
Looks like the weather will be ok, so let's do it!

Where: Fay Bainbridge Campground.

How: By bike and ferry!

  • Mako and Mika will aim for the 1:20PM ferry and come back by 11AM on Sunday.


  • Bike over and play on the beach. Make fire and cook dinner.


  • Mika (206-890-5155)
  • Mako (206-409-7191)


801 Alaskan Way Pier 52
Seattle, WA 98104


Ferrys cost $8 for adults and $4.00 for youth 6-18. There is a $1 bicycle surcharge. You can pay in cash, with a credit card, or with your ORCA card.

Saturday (9/19): Ferry schedule from Seattle to Bainbridge here.

  • Let's plan for taking the 1:10 ferry which means it will be prudent to arrive at the ferry dock by ferry terminal by 12:55 or so. Mika and Mako will plan to leave the Fremont Bridge at 12:15 if you want to take that ferry and are going to bike to the ferry that way.

Sunday (9/20): Ferry schedule from Bainbridge to Seattle here


We will camp at Fay Bainbridge Campground.

15446 Sunrise Dr NE
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110

We can reserve spots 10 days or more in advance. If nobody makes reservations by 9/9, it'll be first-come first served. We can call and check with the campsite on 9/10 and see how many spots are left for 9/19?

As of 9/16, 14/15 campsites are available. There's a chance that people come on Friday night and camp but there should be enough sites left.

We can get firewood at the campsite.

Whoever arrives there first should get the best spot for us!

Stuff to bring

  • There is a grocery store about 3 miles from the campsite.

To share

  • fieldroast celebration (Mika&Mako)
  • instant food (Mika&Mako)
  • Vegetarian bean chili or vegetable soup (Noah & Sarah) (cheese on the side, plus some kind of spicy stuff)
  • Oatmeal + nuts and berries for breakfast (Ariel)


  • tent
  • sleeping bags
  • ground sloth (cloth) if it's going to be wet.
  • towels
  • baby stuff


Help needed

If anybody needs help from others, note here.

  • Ariel might need help carrying his tent!
    • How big is your tent? We have two cargo bikes that you can use that can probably carry your tent. Or If it can fit on our rear racks, we'd be happy to carry it for you (Mako&Mika)


  • Mika and Mako
  • Andres, Anna, Atom?
  • Sarah, Noah, Logan
  • Ariel
  • Ana?

Inspired by

This trip was inspired by this family ride.