Seder 2012: Difference between revisions

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#Danny (dpic) & Kat
#Danny (dpic) & Kat
#Matt Ritter

== Schedule ==  
== Schedule ==  

Revision as of 11:49, 13 April 2012

The Things to Buy sections contains things we need and do not have yet. The Things We're Bringing is the place to put stuff you want to bring. Feel free to move something from things to buy to things to bring and put your name next to it so we know someone has that. You can also add something not already on the list--this can be ingredients, toys, cooked dishes, treats for Lola Mika, or anything else you think up. Things to cook is a good place to write suggestions for dinner although there is a plan to create a 10 plauges theme meal so it might be good to put ideas there.

It'd be really nice if you add your name under People if you are planning on attending, so we have an idea of how big to make dinner.

No dress code, although yarmulke encouraged.


This year we're not going to host at the Acetarium as we have in previous years. Instead, we're going to host at the The Bernie-tariumwhich is located right near Porter Square just off Massachusetts Avenue:

5 Exeter Park, Cambridge, MA

Things to Buy

  • Everybody please bring 5 cups of wine per person (a bit less than 1 bottle). Extra wine is always a bonus!
  • Matzot!
  • Yams, beets
  • Horseradish. Parsley. (Mika)
  • Romaine lettuces
  • BLOOD Orange (Mika)

Things We're Bringing

  • Matzoh (1-2 boxes) (Acetarium)

Noah has bought:

  • 4 packages of Matzoh Meal
  • 2 packages of Matzoh Cake Meal
  • 2 packages of Matzoh Ball Mix
  • 1 package of Potato Starch
  • 2 boxes of Matzoh
  • 2 cans of Maccaroons
  • 2 bottles of Kosher Wine
  • 1.5 Litres of Manny

Things to Cook

Can you make the things on this list fit into the 10 plagues theme meal?

add stuff here!

Things to Read

Margin Notes and Other Commentary on the Things to Read

Page 24 of the velveteenrabbi Haggadah has "Arov" translated as "insect swarms". This is clearly too similar to Locusts. God would never have made the mistake of creating two similar plagues. That would be like wearing clashing colors to a fashion show. Therefore I propose that "Arov" be retranslated as "Horde of Dragons" as that fits with the theme of both of the common translations, "swarm" and "beasts".

All references to "lamb shank" shall be henceforth stricken from the record and replaced with "yam shank". It's like a makeshift prison weapon made out of sweet potato.

Eliyahu Hanavi (Elijah the Prophet) may alternately be called Eliyahu Anavim (Elijah the Grapes).

The optional sixth, seventh, and eighth cups of wine that the book does not mention are not actually optional. Only godless heathens leave them out of this most sacred ceremony.

"The Haroset Song" on page 33 is not an actual Passover song. They just made that one up.


  1. Noah
  2. Ben + Sarah
  3. Mika - Nyan Cat
  4. Mako
  5. Mayo Fuster - Marrana jew or/and Xueta jew
  6. Alba Fuster - Marrana jew or/and Xueta jew (Fusters will be arriving late, coming from Toronto).
  7. Molly
  8. Bernie Innocenti
  9. Damien, apikoros
  10. Avi - Vulcan
  11. May
  12. Rabbi Samuel Klein
  13. Michael Stone
  14. Danny (dpic) & Kat
  15. Shauna
  16. Matt Ritter


Shopping in Brookline (mon-thurs): for fun!

edit below!

April 13

  1. Final cooking at Noah SJ Michael House (17:30-19:30)
  2. Hagada & reclining (back and to the left) (19:30-21:00)
  3. Meal (21:00-22:30)
  4. Last 2 cups & reclining & song (and dance!) (22:30-00:00)

Past Years