Seder 2013

From WikiDotMako
Revision as of 02:51, 25 March 2013 by (talk)

The Things to Buy sections contains things we need and do not have yet. The Things We're Bringing is the place to put stuff you want to bring. Feel free to move something from things to buy to things to bring and put your name next to it so we know someone has that. You can also add something not already on the list--this can be ingredients, toys, cooked dishes, treats for Shiloh, or anything else you think up. Things to cook is a good place to write suggestions for dinner.

It'd be really nice if you add your name under People if you are planning on attending, so we have an idea of how big to make dinner.

No dress code, although yarmulke encouraged.

Location and Time

This year we're going to host at November on March 30th. Please arrive by 7pm (19:00). Crash space is available.

Things to Buy

You can add things you think we ought to have.

  • Everybody please bring 5 cups of wine per person (a bit less than 1 bottle). Extra wine is always a bonus!
  • Grape juice for the non-wine drinkers
  • Matzot!
  • Yams, beets
  • Horseradish. Parsley.
  • Romaine lettuces
  • eggs
  • An orange
  • something very enticing but whose identity will be revealed after some cursory research

Things We're Bringing

You can add things you are bringing, with your name, here.

Things to Cook

Things you want to cook (please out your name by it), or things you think we ought to cook.

Things to Read

Margin Notes and Other Commentary on the Things to Read

The seder will focus on history, culture, and understanding. Questions are highly encouraged!


  1. Noah
  2. mollydb
  3. EMusic
  4. Daf
  5. Matt Ritter
  6. Mako
  7. Jeff
  8. Nadya


March 30: Cook at November all day long!

Past Years